Jumat, Agustus 31, 2012

Sorry, I Can't be Perfect...

Kemarin, mungkin (bukan mungkin lagi) aku telah membuat satu kesalahan lagi dalam hidupku.
Kesalahan yang berhasil membuat perasaanku semalaman dihantui rasa ketidak puasan.
Kesalahan itu sangat fatal!
that's not the best from me, why i don't give the best doing from myself.

Haruskah aku menyesal?
mm,, sepertinya aku tak memiliki jawaban 'iya' tuk pertanyaan ini.
Tapi, aku hanya memiliki jawaban terima kasih for my mistake.
dengannya aku sadar bahwa aku masih perlu belajar lebih lagi,
dengannya aku sadar akan kekuranganku.
I Can't be perfect.

Dan adalah sebuah peringatan, bahwa aku harus lebih berusaha lagi dan tak lupa tuk selalu mengiringinya dengan do'a...

Satu hal yang terpenting dan tak boleh terlupakan dari semua ini.

Kamis, Agustus 30, 2012

I (V.S) Myself
"I was succeed to be the worst performance of all"…

I  V.S  Myself

What happen with me? I don’t give the best performance to my opportunity in the examination today, Especially to micro teaching test. I think micro teaching is more important than Interview or Toefl Test. These are exams before be a teacher to my university annual program who called PIBA (PI Bahasa Asing)...

It’s very very make me shy. And I think I was succeed to be the worst performance of all. And the such that’s bring me impossible to be a teacher of English language for this semester.
so thanks to my fatal mistake…!! I wanna kill you!!!

Why? What’s wrong?
Do I have not a prepare before?
it’s not!!!
So why? Is it because I have not spirit today or because I didn’t sleep all night and haven’t  eaten all day?
No, Isn't!!  I couldn’t make it as an excuse...

It’s because I lost with myself!
My self is the biggest enemy in my life.
I could not control myself,
I have not been able to kill nervous in myself.
Which instantly makes me blank!
Yes This is a old disease that’s difficult for i beat...

So, there should be no complaints. Especially no regrets.
if lucky, that’s my sustenance.
but if it not my sustenance, however good my performance I'll never get it!
Never mind... :)
I was born to NEVER GIVE UP…!

Makassar, Agust 15 '12

-At My room while hearing iradio-