Jumat, Oktober 31, 2014

My Family is My Life.

Aku - Kakak - Adik - Mama - Bapak
Family is the smallest unit of the society. A good or bad person can be build up with the actions of the family. Generally the family means parents and children. In the modern world, most of the families have only three members including mother, father and son/daughter.
Foundation of a person is his or her family. It teaches us good qualities such as kindness, sharing, caring, and patience and develops our attitudes. Our parents are the first masters of our lives. So they are known as "Brahma". They teach us how to eat, how to write, how to behave and how to build up good relationships with others. Our family is the best friend of our lives. When we have won something it appreciates us, when we have failed it encourages us, when we are ill it helps us, when we have enemies it protects us. So family is like our shadow.
But unfortunately in the modern world this family has been shifted away. Now the society is running towards money. So good qualities, team spirit, family bond has marketed now. According to the industrialization each and everything has a value now. But can we assume a value for the bond between family members? Where is the family that I am searching for? What happened to it? Is it a dream or a thing in the past? No one answer these questions, because no one knows about the real value of a family and family bond.
It is possible that the whole world will be your enemy one day, but your family is with you forever.

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